About Me

Hey There,

I saw you at the grocery store picking out the fruits and veggies; you were excited to make that recipe you saw on Pinterest. But five days later, all those ingredients are turning into a moldy science experiment in your refrigerator. You're not alone. It's really hard to change the way you’ve eaten all your life. 

You know what you are “supposed” to do but you aren’t doing it, and you’ve been diagnosed with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. The recommendations are overwhelming and you are exhausted by thinking about every bite of food you take.

Don’t overthink it, I am here to help!


Hi, I’m Shannon!

I work with people who have been diagnosed with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes that want to enjoy what they are eating, lower their A1C and lose weight without feeling overwhelmed or deprived, by making small dietary changes consistently.

One of my greatest joys in this work is seeing the incredible mindset shifts that occur throughout the coaching partnership. While we focus on habits and routines, you are rewiring your brain so that what you once thought impossible not only becomes possible but also a no-brainer. Every client I have worked with has experienced a mindset shift, with most of them being transformational.

I believe our work together should be FUN. Selfishly (wink, wink), I want you to come back each week and look forward to our time together, feel supported, and not dread it, like you probably do every time you have to get your A1C checked.

You have tried…

  • Low carb and low sugar dietary recommendations

  • Keto

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Mediterranean diet

  • One of the many other dietary recommendations

    You have not gotten the results or been able to sustain it because it was too restrictive or didn't fit your lifestyle or needs. You want to enjoy what you are eating while nourishing your body. But nobody asked you what you wanted or what would support you anyways. You need a more gentle approach that fits your life.

Being diagnosed with diabetes is flipping hard!

Many clients come to me with the same story - I know what I am supposed to be doing but I am not doing it which leads to guilt and shame and often feeling like you are in a fight with food. Having a family history of type 2 diabetes and many people in my life that suffer from trying to figure this out daily on their own and feeling adverse affects from the medication I am committed to providing an alternative way that doesn’t leave you feeling deprived but empowered and in control managing diabetes your way.

You are bombarded with generic recommendations, told you need to make many lifestyle changes, told all the terrible ways it may affect you and sent on your way to figure it out with limited or no support.  

Every body is different and reacts differently to various foods; therefore, generic recommendations, food lists, and meal plans may not fit the lifestyle, preferences, and needs of many people diagnosed with diabetes. You want to enjoy the food you eat and support your health. Thinking about every morsel of food you put in your mouth is exhausting and often results in guilt and shame for not making the 'right' choice or just giving up altogether because it’s overwhelming and you're over it.

Don’t give up. It doesn't have to be so hard. By making small, consistent shifts that don’t feel difficult at all, you will add up to the results you are looking for and find balance in this lifelong journey.

  • Enjoy what you eat and support your health 

  • Find the balance that is perfect for YOU 

  • Find freedom from  the shame and guilt around your food choices 

  • Build new habits that support you on your journey supporting your health

It’s possible to:

A Few Tidbits About Me

  • In 2020, I left behind my corporate career in Boston and sold most of my belongings to live, work, and study on a farm in Oregon. The decision was a leap of faith, guided by a desire for a more aligned life. What followed was pure magic as everything fell into place effortlessly, revealing the universe's extraordinary way of delivering gifts when we dare to follow our heart's whisper.

  • Witnessing my pup navigate the world has taught and reminded me so much about being present, letting go, and sharing joy.

  • Curious George is my cartoon character alter-ego. I am lucky enough to get to use this curiosity in my work with clients

  • I am a sucker for personality assessments. One of my favorites to share with clients is Gretchen Rubin’s 4 Tendencies, “Upholder” here and always love the challenge of working with “Rebels”.

  • Some of my foundational self-care practices are imperfect: scratch cooking, yoga, and pottery!

  • Time spent on or near the water nourishes my heart and soul.

Professional Training and Certifications

National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach - NBC-HWC

Duke Integrative Medicine Health and Well-being coach training

Harvard Institute of Lifestyle Medicine Culinary Health Coaching

Accountability Coach Training - Accountability Works

Living Ayurveda Apprenticeship - Banyan Botanicals

American College of Lifestyle Medicine Food as Medicine training

Feel Relief Behavioral health coaching program - Feel Therapeutics

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