Overcome the Overwhelm

Managing Diabetes Your Way

Managing your pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes doesn't have to feel so darn hard!

You are successful and in control in so many areas of your life but when it comes to food and managing your diabetes you feel out of control.

You know what you “should” be doing, but you are not doing it because all of the recommendations and restrictions feel so overwhelming and you feel like you will have to give up some of the things you love and frankly, are not willing to give them up. You might have tried some things before and it didn't work because it didn't fit your lifestyle or preferences, was too much at once and felt like the death of joy . Does this sound like you?

The stress that you are experiencing from trying to figure this out with little or no support makes you just want to throw in the towel you feel like you will not be able to enjoy food anymore, have meals out or go to celebrations with family and friends and relax and enjoy the experience.

This is a marathon, a lifelong commitment and you don't have to make all the changes today and it can be done your way.

You Have Everything it takes to:

  • Have more energy

  • Have confidence in the way you look, feel and the ability to achieve things you want to do 

  • Feel in control of how you are nourishing your body

  • Balance your blood sugar so that your cravings are not sabotaging you

  • Maintain your social life and celebrations intentionally and without the guilt

  • Book that adventure with the confidence that you will have the energy and ability to participate fully

  • Allow yourself to indulge without overindulging

We are conditioned that what works is all or nothing approaches, perfectionism, and it has to be hard or painful. Let’s stop the mindset that you have to feel deprived to be successful. 

The no pain, no gain model doesn't work because - go figure, we don’t want to be in pain; physically, mentally or emotionally. Our brains are wired to not want pain or discomfort which is why change is so dang hard, it's uncomfortable and our brains want us to be comfortable for better or worse. 

By taking small steps and building new habits and processes to support your health and diagnosis, you are consistently working towards feeling your best. Because it doesn't feel hard, you are inspired to take one more step, and each step is a block in building a strong foundation to support you. By having a strong foundation, you can find balance. With this approach, there is no “falling off the wagon”; you allow yourself to enjoy and indulge when and how it feels right for you. This is managing diabetes your way!


The truth is:  Food is much more than nourishment, food is our culture, pleasure, comfort and so much more……. Most of us have not been taught to treat food as medicine and to prioritize whole foods over convenience foods in our busy lifestyles or to even know what foods support our health and energy more than others. 

Creating Balance: Small Changes, Big Impact

You have the lists of foods that you can and can’t eat and the suggested carb counts, glycemic index, diabetes friendly meal plans and that smoothie recipe. It was sitting on the coffee table for reference for a while and then found its final resting place in a drawer of other papers you might need to reference some day.

Tuning into your own dietary needs and what supports your body, preferences and lifestyle are what makes it a sustainable change. Breaking each change into small steps that don’t feel hard will allow it to stick and build towards longer term habits and routines. When you are handed the meal plan without building your own process it will work for a short time but do you want to eat that one meal plan for the rest of time… probably not. 

Maybe you didn't get much support or info at all. They prescribed you some medication and sent you on your way so you started to do your own research. There was so much conflicting information and where should you start? 

You need support and there is no shame in that. You are being asked to make drastic changes to your lifestyle yet left on your own to figure it out. What's not helpful is when you go to your checkups and they tell you “you need to lose weight or lower your A1C” likely you are aware of that after your initial diagnosis and if it were easy or you knew how you would do it.

When your focus is on the blood sugar or the number on the scale, and you are depriving yourself and not seeing the results you give up which is why relying on those metrics alone and not the habits and process is not sustainable but when your focus is on process you get the results without focusing on it and have the tools to keep improving.

Then………….  you read that dreaded article that you can’t ever  have chocolate again and slammed your computer shut feeling defeated with no confidence that this is something that you can figure out without it consuming every bit of your energy and thoughts.  

Deprivation doesn’t work and it's central to our diet culture and you may have tried some extremely low carb diets, intermittent fasting and whatever else was recommended and it was not sustainable. Every - body is different so the cookie cutter approach and generic recommendations are frustrating. 

You Can Do This. Your Way.

Hi, I’m Shannon,

I have personally experienced dietary restrictions and how challenging that is when you love delicious food. I love delicious food ! I got really curious as to how food was affecting my body and soaked up every bit of information about how food is medicine and can be delicious and that we can find space for all the things we love while nourishing our bodies too. I love to cook, but I know not everybody does so I work with people to nourish their bodies in the way that fits their lifestyle. There are so many options available. I will not tell you you cant have your favorite thing and I also will not tell you you need to spend hours in the kitchen. Together we will find the way that is just right for you!

I can't believe the transformation I've undergone. I have more energy now than I ever thought possible.

Walking, which used to feel like a chore, has become something I genuinely enjoy. Not only am I more active, but I'm also more productive throughout the day because of the increased energy levels.

One of the biggest surprises has been in my sleep quality. I find myself waking up earlier feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to tackle the day ahead. This newfound routine has become second nature to me, and I can't imagine reverting to my old habits.

In the past, I felt like I should be eating better and exercising more, but now I want to because it genuinely makes me feel good. The program has not only equipped me with the tools to manage my diabetes effectively but has also instilled in me a desire to continue improving my diet and exercise regimen.

I'm incredibly grateful for the support and guidance I've received throughout this journey. It's truly been a game-changer for me, and I'm excited to see where this newfound vitality takes me."

Sally Christopherson

Overcome The Overwhelm - Managing Diabetes YOUR Way

3 month 1:1 Coaching Container Designed to build personal foundations for managing diabetes

Container includes 

  • 12 - 1:1 coaching sessions 

  • App/ email based messaging and support between sessions

  • Customized guidance and resources 

  • Accountability 

  • Check in 1 month post program 

Areas we might focus on include: 

  • Get Clear on what and how you want to manage and live with diabetes

  • Get Organized  - pantry organization, personalized meal planning, shopping, and prepping 

  • Build routines and habits that work for you 

  • Learn the impacts that different foods have on your blood sugar through testing 

  • Build habits and process that sustain you 1 step at a time 

  • Discover foods and recipes that you enjoy, support your health and you can easily prepare 

  • Accountability 

    Investment $750

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